M.B.A in General Business, West Texas A&M University
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), Iowa State University
M.S. in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), Iowa State University
B.S. in Civil Engineering, Iowa State University
About Byungik
Dr. Byungik Chang joined the Department of Mechanical, Civil, and Environmental Engineering as an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering in Fall 2013. Dr. Chang’s background and research activities are in the areas of structural engineering, wind engineering, and wind energy. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Civil engineering from Iowa State University in 2002, 2004, and 2007, respectively. Dr. Chang was also awarded his MBA degree from West Texas A&M University in 2012. His doctoral work focused on addressing a critical need related to the unexpected failure of slender light poles. Prior research from his master’s degree work at Iowa State University included design verification, behavior analysis, and nonlinear modeling of an incrementally launched bridge to obtain roller-girder contact stresses using the finite element method.
Before Dr. Byungik Chang joined the University of New Haven, he worked as an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering and Computer Science and a Director of the Alternative Energy Institute at West Texas A&M University. Dr. Chang also worked for the Arizona Department of Transportation for two years. He is a registered professional engineer in Arizona.
Dr. Byungik Chang and his wife, Hyesun (Sunny) Cheong, have two children: Eugene and Justin. Dr. Chang enjoys playing tennis, basketball, racquetball, soccer, and other sports.
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Selected Publications
- M. Shaker, C. Schexnayder, and B. Chang*. “Response Strategies and Insights of the U.S. State DOTs during the COVID-19 Pandemic” ASCE Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, Under Review.
- M. Shaker, H. Erukala, S. Yusofzai, V. Mhamane, S. Kapar, F. Ayele, C. Schexnayder, C. Aktas, and B. Chang*. “Transportation Research in the U.S. and EU - Trends, Insights, and Key Focus Areas” ASCE Journal of Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, Under Revision.
- M. Shaker, C. Schexnayder, and B. Chang*. “Risk Analysis of Connecticut Department of Transportation Projects During the COVID-19 Pandemic” ASCE Journal of Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, Vol. 29, 2024.
- H. Choi, D.A. Shedo, and B. Chang*. “Serviceability analysis and feasibility study of ballasted rooftop PV system on existing concrete roof slab buildings,” Renewable Energy, 228, 2024.
- O. Uysal, İ .Uslu, C. Aktaş*, B. Chang*, and İ. Yaman. “Physical and Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate Concrete,” Buildings, 14 (6), 2024.
- İ. Uslu, O. Uysal, C. Aktaş*, B. Chang*, and İ. Yaman. “Dematerialization of Concrete: Meta-Analysis of Lightweight Expanded Clay Concrete for Compressive Strength,” Sustainability, 16 (15), 2024.
- M. Shaker, B. Eustace, H. Erukala, R. Patel, M. Mohammed, M. Jabri, K. Desai, R. Goyal, and B. Chang*. “Analysis of Survey on Barriers to the Implementation of Sustainable Building Projects,” Sustainability, 14(24), 2022.
- C. Thongchom, N. Mirzai, B. Chang, and A. Ghamari*. “Improving the CBF brace’s behavior using I-shaped dampers, numerical and experimental study.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 197, 2022.
- 3. S. Karanam and B. Chang*. “A feasibility study for PV installations in higher education institutions – a case study”, International Journal of Green Energy, 2022.
- T. Chanmalai and B. Chang*, K. Misaro, S. Hagos, and T. Hanumanthareddy. “Development of a Nomogram to Predict the Maximum Contact Stress Between a bridge I-Girder and a Support Roller”, Engineering Solid Mechanics, Vol. 9, 2021.
- M. Bhalala, M. Shaker, Q. Kargar, and B. Chang*. “Evaluation of Alternative Concrete Strength and Economic Analysis,” Sustainability, Vol. 12, 2020.
- C. Ong, B. Chang*, M. Carnasciali, R. Gorthala. “Development of Aerodynamic Parameters for a Multi-sided cylinder using Computational Fluid Dynamics,” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 199, 2020.
- C. Ong, B. Chang*, and J. Lee “Thermal Induced Fatigue on Overhead Truss Structures,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Construction and Facilities, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2020.
B. Chang* and K. Starcher. “Evaluation of Wind and Solar Energy Investments in Texas,” Renewable Energy, 132, 2019, pp. 1348-1359.
- R. Issa* and B. Chang. “Performance Study on Evacuated Tubular Collector Coupled Solar Still in West Texas Climate,” International Journal of Green Energy, Volume 14, Issue 10, 2017, 793-800.
- J. Lee, B. Chang*, C. Aktas, and R. Gorthala. Economic Feasibility of Campus-Wide Photovoltaic Systems in New England. Renewable Energy. 99, 2016, pp. 452-464.
- R. Issa*, K. Leitch, and B. Chang, "Experimental Heat Transfer Study on Green Roofs in a Semiarid Climate during Summer," Journal of Construction Engineering, Vol. 2015, 2015.
- B. Chang*, M. Bourland, T. Couch, H. Zou, and T. Jung “Evaluation of Texas Superheavy Load Criteria for Bridges.” ASCE Journal of Performance of Construction and Facilities, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2015.
- W. Bai, B. Chang*, G. Chen, K. Starcher, D. Carr, and R. Issa. “Small Wind Turbine Power Performance Testing with Uncertainty Analysis” Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 857-877, 2014, pp. 1944-1948.
- B. Chang*, B. Phares, H. Zou, and T. Couch “Thermal Analysis of a Highway Overhead Support Structure” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2406, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2014, pp. 32-41.
- B. Chang*, R. Issa, M. Neill, and A. Miller “Development of Wind Vortex Shedding Coefficients for a Multisided Cylinder Structure Fatigue Design.” Wind and Structures, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2014.
- Y. Xie, B. Chang*, K. Starcher, D. Carr, G. Chen, and K. Leitch “Installation of 42kW Solar Photovoltaics and 50kW Wind Turbine Systems” Journal of Green Building, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2013.
- G. Romig, B. Chang*, K. Leitch, and A. Hunt. “Analysis of internet visitors on educational websites” American International Journal of Social Science, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2013.
- B. Chang*, K. Starcher, D. Carr, and A. Miller “Renewables in the Desert Southwest: Sustainable, Suitable, and Supplementary” Journal of Green Building, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2013.
- A. Miller, B. Chang*, R. Issa, and G. Chen “Review of Computer-Aided Numerical Simulation in Wind Energy,” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 25, 2013.
- D. Leer, B. Chang*, G. Chen, D. Carr, K. Starcher, and R. Issa. “Windtane contour map of the state of Texas” Renewable Energy, Vol. 58, 2013.
- B. Chang*, K. Mirtalaei, S. Lee, and K. Leitch, “Optimization of Post-Tensioned Box Girder Bridges with Special References to Use of High Strength Concrete Using AASHTO LRFD Method.” Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2012, 2012
- R. Issa* and B. Chang, “Performance Prediction of a Multi-Stage Wind Tower for Indoor Cooling.” Journal of Thermal Science, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2012.
- B. Chang*, K. Mirtalaei, S. Lee, and K. Leitch, “Structural Behavior and Design of Barrier-Overhang Connection in Concrete Bridge Superstructures Using AASHTO LRFD Method.” Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2012, 2012.
- B. Chang*, P. P. Sarkar, and B. M. Phares, “Aerodynamic Model in Time-domain for Predicting Aerodynamic Loads on a Slender Support Structure.” The ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 136, No. 6, 2010, pp. 736-746.
- B. Chang*, B. M. Phares, P. P. Sarkar, and T. J. Wipf, “Development of a Procedure for Fatigue Design of Slender Support Structures Subjected to Wind-induced Vibration.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2131, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2009, pp. 23-33.
(Note: * denotes 'Corresponding Author')
Teaching Interests
Dr. Chang's teaching interests are in structural analysis, steel/reinforced concrete design, bridge design, wind engineering, and others. He has been teaching fundamentals of engineering, statics, mechanics of materials, structural analysis, steel design, computer-aided structural analysis, computer-aided draft design, robotics, computer programming, and plastics and composites.
Research Interests
Dr. Chang’s research has been focused on structural engineering, wind engineering, and wind energy. His strength is in numerical modeling and structural analysis for civil engineering applications. He has worked on several state highway agency projects assisted by graduate and undergraduate students.
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